The Brown Goblins hang over the boat as it enters Albuquerque’s harbor. They hiss and grunt. Their tongues lull and rip upon their sharp yellow teeth. Soon they see through the mist a yellow orb flashing brightly.

The Captain of the ship turns around. He’s wearing a purple captains uniform with lemon yellow zip-up boots and gloves to match. He turns to the Brown Goblins and smiling says, “My name is Keith and it’s been a pleasure being your captain but we’re about to dock. I know it’s hard to see with all the mist but the gang plank will hit solid ground and if you follow that bright yellow light you’ll find where you need to go.”

The Brown Goblins howl and fall upon the Captain pulling his arm from it’s socket and throwing it in the air. As the other Brown Goblins fall upon him, ripping him apart the Captain dies with a huge, grinning teeth mouth soft and warm.

The Brown Goblins swarm onto dry land and they can hardly see. Then before them on a cobblestone path a red-headed freckled creature with a lantern shouts out, “Follow me! This is the way.”

In a matter of minutes the red-headed freckled creature is a red pool of blood and the lantern has been smashed to pieces. Then the Brown Goblins hear someone singing and sitting cross-legged on the ground is a teenage girl with long brown hair with a pink lotus for a mouth. She smiles and says, “Wow! You made it. I have no protest sign that says you can’t come on in.”

The Brown Goblins fall upon her and then screaming fall back. She stands before them now, floating a few feet off the ground naked and her body is orange. Her long brown hair swirls as if underwater. Her eyes are now orange. Like beams they shine the way further up the path where the yellow orb is flashing.

And then out of the mist there walks a beautiful lady with a blonde, shag hairdo. She’s wearing a dark green flowing robe and sandals made of the same colour. In one arm she holds a TV Guide and in her hand she holds a 7Up can lamp with a pulsing yellow light bulb.

The Brown Goblins howl and scream and smash their fists against the ground. But then the woman opens her mouth and the Brown Goblins stop their gnashing of teeth and fall. Quickly they are nothing but brown mist that rises up and disappears in the warm, psychedelic pulsating yellow light.

And then the woman sings the most beautiful song,

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breath free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Liberation Happening by Whale Song Partridge
TV Guide The Partridge in the Pear Tree

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